Get Your Linux, Your Way

So you want a Linux that’s set up with just the applications you want — no more, no less. What do you do? Well, an expert Linux user does it himself. But, not everyone’s a Linux legend. For the rest of us, there are two good choices.There’s a low-end personal option:‘s free service, SystemDesigner. There’s also a high-end corporate choice: rPath‘s rBuilder.

DIY Linux, the easy way

A couple of interesting approaches to rolling your own Linux distros.  Handy for getting the whole stack together.

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Pre-Order MSFT Vista!

Microsoft appears to be on track to release Windows Vista for sale at retail outlets in January 2007—that’s if the information posted on is correct.Online retailer is accepting preorders for Windows Vista software, which it says will be available on Jan. 30, 2007.

Amazon Reveals Windows Vista Pricing

We’ll skip the boring details, suffice to say it ain’t cheap and MSFT is not solid on the release date. 

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CA Western SOL Debuts Weekly Podcast

“Although a handful of other law schools use podcasts for lectures and speaker events, we believe California Western is the first law school to offer a weekly news commentary,” said David Bowers

California Western Podcast: Law in 10, Your Weekly Legal Analysis, Debuts

Well, Classcaster has podcasts from about 3 dozen law faculty representing some 30 schools.  The Classcaster podcast network includes over 1250 podcasts totaling nearly 1500 hours of lecture and commentary from law faculty and librarians.  Not bad since Classcaster turns 1 year old this week.

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