Building the latest and greatest PHP on Debian Wheezy

How To Build PHP 5.5 (PHP-FPM & FastCGI) With ionCube Loader, Zend OPcache And APCu For ISPConfig 3 (Debian Wheezy) | HowtoForge – Linux Howtos and Tutorials –

This lays out the details for building an advanced instance of PHP. Steps are run on Wheezy but may work elsewhere.

Red Hat Finally Adopts CentOS, Brings Legitimacy To Enterprise Open Source

Red Hat Enterprise Linux is a wonderful operating system for commercial users. However, there is one major downside to it — it costs money. Luckily, Red Hat provides the source code to the open-source community. This enables groups to use the code to build their own free distributions, such as CentOS. While these distributions are just as functional as RHEL, they lack support from Red Hat.

Even though the existence of CentOS can potentially take money from Red Hat’s pockets, there never seemed to be any resentment or animosity. In fact, just yesterday, Red Hat surprised the Linux community and announced that it will sponsor that distribution going forward. In other words, CentOS is now owned by Red Hat Inc — the father has officially adopted its illegitimate baby and Fedora has a new step-brother.

Via Beta News

This is great news for the open source community. CentOS provides an excellent open alternative to RHEL but has suffered from quite a bit of lag that has left it a step or two behind other server grade distros. I’ll be taking a close look at this to see if it warrants a shift away from Ubuntu LTS.


My Twitter Digest for 01/08/2014

Get Control of Windows 8 With Ultimate Windows Tweaker 3

The Windows Club has released Ultimate Windows Tweaker 3.0 for Windows 8 and 8.1 users. The lightweight, portable freeware tool makes it easy to tweak various aspects of Windows that usually hidden away or require access to Registry editor or Group Policy Editor.

The new release sits alongside the previous version, Ultimate Windows Tweaker 2.2, which requires Windows Vista or 7.

– via Beta News

These utilities are great for getting at some of the more useful features of Windows that you might want to adjust without going through the pain of running regedit.

List of Standard HTML 5 Elements

All standard HTML5 elements are listed here, described by their opening tag and grouped by function. Contrary to the HTML Element index which lists all possible tags, standard, non-standard, valid, obsolete or deprecated ones, this list only the valid HTML5 elements. Only the elements listed here should be used in new Web sites.

The symbol This element was added as part of HTML5 indicates that the element was added in HTML5. Note that other elements listed here may have been modified or extended in their meaning by the HTML5 specification.

via HTML5 element list – Web developer guide | MDN.

Good list of standard HTML 5 elements, maintained by the folks at Mozilla.