Mediacurrent Launches a Drupal Theme Generator

In a fast moving industry like ours, it is imperative that we have tools that allow us to build environments (front and back-end), quickly, while providing consistency all across. The same way we have DevOps processes for quickly spinning off a complete Drupal built with composer, drush, Drupal console and more, we need a system that automates the process of creating Drupal themes which include all the essential tools needed for a modern, best practices and standards compliant environment.

Source: Mediacurrent’s Drupal Theme Generator | Mediacurrent

This looks intriguing. While the demo highlights generating a Drupal 8 theme the underlying tool chain is general enough that it should adaptable for other platforms or straight web theming. Best of all, no Ruby required, making it a bit easier to run on Windows and elsewhere.

Getty Scholars’ Workspace: A Drupal-based platform for collaborative research |

Built on Drupal, the Getty Institute’s Getty Scholars’ Workspace provides a platform for art historians, and researchers in similar fields, to work collaboratively on multiple projects without having to use several different platforms.

A Drupal-based platform for collaborative research |

The platform includes scholar friendly features like importing Zotero files to create bibliographies and collaboration tools like forums and shared documents. If course it is Drupal so it’ll take some take configuration to get it going. With checking out.

FFR The database preferences for locally hosted Drupal…

FFR: The database preferences for locally hosted Drupal sites running in Acquia Dev Desktop are located in the .acquia/DevDesktop/DrupalSettings folder in your home directory. On Widnows that’s /Users/YourName/. This is especially important if you’ve just imported a Drupal site from elsewhere that has it’s own settings.php that will be left in the structure but ignored. Things like db table prefixes are not picked up in the import process and you’re on your own to track things down to make the site run locally.