Knoppix 3.8 Adds UnionFS, More Flexibility

Knoppix 3.8 and UnionFS. Wow. Just Wow.
Klaus has released the latest version of Knoppix, 3.8, to the crowd at CeBIT 2005. This version includes the normal round of updates including the 2.6.11 kernel by default, KDE 3.3.2, and Firefox and Thunderbird instead of Mozilla. The exciting news, however, is the addition of UnionFS. UnionFS stacks your Knoppix ramdisk on top of the read-only filesystem on the CD, the effect being that you can apt-get install, and otherwise modify all of the files on the system as though they were all writeable. Here I’ll go over why I think this is going to change Knoppix in a major way.

Of course it doesn’t appear that Knoppix 3.8 is actually available for download yet. I hope it is released soon since it sounds a good idea to build CALIoppix 2 on top of this.

Halo_Radio: Web-enabled MP3 Streamer Project details for halo_radio
halo_radio is a package for running a streaming MP3 radio station. A usable Web interface, a backend Icecast source daemon, a utility script for populating a MySQL database with your songs, and other clients are included. The Web interface features informational functions, user management features, and search and request functionality. The source daemon can encode multiple bitrates and features an automatic playlist feature that will randomly select songs based on historical user data.

I need something like this to adopt a webcasting module for ClassCaster.

Mindmeld for Knowledge Management

Mindmeld at Sourceforge
Mindmeld is an enterprise-capable knowledge-sharing system. It is an effective tool for any web community that needs to capture and share information, and is unique in that the knowledgebase grows smarter every time it’s used. It only knows what you teach it, but it’s very easy to teach.

Mindmeld’s core search technology, the self-organizing neural mapper, allows Mindmeld to incorporate terms used in each search into a contextual map of the answer itself, continually improving Mindmeld’s ability to derive contextual information from a given search. The system learns how people typically search for a given answer by identifying which search terms are most valuable in any specific context.

The description makes it sound like a wiki with really good search capabilites. I’ll need to take a closer look.

Real Integrates Into BlackBoard

Products & Services > Digital Media Solutions for the Blackboard Learning System™
The Blackboard Integration Suite from Real and Accordent Technologies enables non-technical users to publish video and audio directly into the Blackboard Learning System. In addition to simplifying the publishing process, the solution fully supports the Helix Server infrastructure and RealVideo 10 and RealAudio 10.

This is not really a surprise. BB has needed to add this sort of functionality for a while.

Zope Dispatches

Zope Dispatches
Over the last 1.5 years, Jon Udell has been espousing a set of ideas and following a pattern of trends that culminates in a very interesting screencast with the folks from Mark Logic. View the screencast and go to the 5min27sec mark (yeh, I should know the URL to go directly there, but I don’t).

There are a number of interesting things going on here that I need to look into.

CODEC Annouces Workshops

CODEC – CODEC Strategy Workshops
It has been one year since the meeting in Louisville when the idea of a distance legal education consortium was launched. Since then, CALI has been very busy on the CODEC initiative. To update you and get feedback, we are holding two Strategy Workshops which you are invited to send a representative from your law school.

Disclaimer: CODEC is a CALI project and I’m doing a bit of work on it. If your law school is at all interested in DE, you should send someone off to one the meetings.