Running an applicant tracking serivce?

CATS is an applicant tracking system (ATS). Built on the LAMP platform (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP), it can be installed and running in 5 minutes on a Unix or Windows platform. It features built-in applicant tracking, resume search, CRM, and a reporting dashboard for staffing agencies and corporate HR departments. Project details for CATS

Idea: law schools develop lots of fun and interesting ways to track faculty canidates, mostly involving lots of 3 ring binders.  This sort of system would allow an appointments committe to gather all of that data and information into a single electronic archive.  Could be hosted or locally run.

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links for 2006-01-15

No Windows on Intel Macs

With the announcement of the first Intel based Macs yesterday, many users have rejoiced in being able to dual-boot both Mac OS X and Windows. Unfortunately, this is not the case; due to Apple’s use of the extensible firmware interface (EFI) rather than BIOS, current Windows releases will not run on the systems.

BetaNews | XP Won’t Run on Intel MacBook, iMac

Bigger question:  Will OS X from the Intel boxes run on non-Apple hardware? 

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