I’ve developed a bit of a form letter for IT recruiters who “cold call” me via email. I let them know about my current excellent package and how much I enjoy working in academia/non-profits. Then I let them know that what it would take to think about moving on. I close with an invitation to continue the discussion if they have anything that fits the bill.

Mostly I never hear back. Occasionally I’ll get a reply thanking me for being forthright and letting me know they’ll get back to me if they get anything I might be interested in. I haven’t gotten that third email yet.

Trying to update the AMD video drivers on my Win 7 box. Not going well.

Something a bit different. I can post status message to my WordPress Blog. A status is a regular post, but it doesn’t need a title. Could be like a longer Twitter.

This is is just a status message. Status is quo.

My quick status post

Working on some of the Facebook integration stuff in WordPress. Interesting and possibly useful for things like AHG. Need to dig a bit deeper tomorrow.

My quick status post

Just a few small changes. Brought back the Twitter digest of things I tweet. Added a feed widget with interesting articles I find in my reader.