links for 2007-09-07

Google Turns Books Loose

Books often live a vibrant life offline, and through digitization Google Book Search tries to help them live an even more exciting life online through full text search. Today we’re launching some new features that go beyond search so you can collect, share, and discover new books.

Official Google Blog: Collect, share, and discover books

It is nice to see Google providing useful access to the mass of text they have collected.  These new tools will enable all manner of interesting uses for the data in these books.

links for 2007-09-04

links for 2007-09-02

CS 685 @ Cornell: The Structure of Information Networks

The past decade has seen a convergence of social and technological networks, with systems such as the World Wide Web characterized by the interplay between rich information content, the millions of individuals and organizations who create it, and the technology that supports it. This course covers recent research on the structure and analysis of such networks, and on models that abstract their basic properties. Topics include combinatorial and probabilistic techniques for link analysis, centralized and decentralized search algorithms, network models based on random graphs, and connections with work in the social sciences.

The Structure of Information Networks (Jon Kleinberg)

Just following along with the reading for this course would be interesting.  Most of the stuff is on the net, but you could certainly get your hands on the rest through any university library.