links for 2009-11-05

  • This module creates a custom user contact page using Views. The Flag module is used to mark which users to include on the page so the views can include any arbitrary collection of users. The Draggable Views module is used to allow you to drag 'n drop the entries to arrange the list in any order.

    Drupal does not ordinarily allow anonymous users to access personal contact pages, so the Contact Forms module is used to create contact pages that can be accessed by anyone, and we use the Flag module to toggle on and off the option to make the contact form available to anonymous users.

    (tags: drupal module)
  • Dave Winer service for browsing Twitter lists as OPML, etc.

links for 2009-11-04

  • Among Writer's Tools features are a number of extensions to online resources, such as Google Translate and Maps. Other tools back up or your work to email or a remote site, including Amazon S3, or post it to a blog. For actual productivity, Writer's Tools offers a timer and visual word count, a notebook, and a task list, and several features for managing bookmarks. Despite the name of the extension, many of these tools would be useful for any one using

links for 2009-11-02

  • Page includes links to listings of Linux software arranged by topic. Very handy.
  • Top Terms is a lightweight module designed to find popular terms on a site. These can be displayed as a simple block or used by other modules.

    Popularity is measured by summing page hits for each article tagged with a term. It collects these results on a scheduled basis and caches them for better performance. The block display can easily be overridden by adding the following template files to your theme: