The Debate Over Digital Textbooks Goes On and On

[W]hat’s going on here? A few things:

1) Most educators don’t know squat about IT. …
2) The management standards just aren’t there yet. …
3) The content makers privilege DRM protection over usability. …
4) The price is prohibitive. …

Debating the Digital Textbook Issue—Again « TeleRead: News and views on e-books, libraries, publishing and related topics.

The article looks at a couple of recent pieces on the ongoing debate about the actual value of digital textbooks. While I think there is a future in digital course materials, it is likely that the current models of providing digital textbooks are doomed mainly for the 4 reasons cited in the article.

I believe the future of digital course and learning resources isn’t in the poor replication of the print books on DRM locked proprietary platforms that place profit over education but in the creation of new all digital resources created with education and learning in mind, not investor profits.

My Twitter Digest for 10/08/2013