My Twitter Digest for 10/31/2016

The MySQL n00b: MyRocks: migrating a large MySQL dataset from InnoDB to RocksDB to reduce footprint

Enter RocksDB and the LSM (Log Structured Merge) technology: we are entering a new planet as far as data storage goes. The idea of an “append only” type of approach for writing database rows is something I never heard before. Databases usually are the most random writer ever! And although SSD will not suffer from write randomness, there are other factors that need to be taken into consideration. I’ll not go into more details about how LSM or RocksDB work, or why LSM is good for your SSD and your workload, as there is plenty of information about it on Mark’s blog (see above) or on the official page for RocksDB and for MyRocks (the RocksDB engine for MySQL) on GitHub; just check the Wiki there.

Source: The MySQL n00b: MyRocks: migrating a large MySQL dataset from InnoDB to RocksDB to reduce footprint

MyRocks and RocksDB sound like something worth exploring even for our small big data tables.