If You’re Wondering Why Feeds Seem Chaotic…

Behold! This list is pretty much all the ways you can read MAKE via RSS, OPML/reading lists, favorites – if you’re into making things as much as we are – this will keep you up on the latest in the world of Makers.

MAKE: Blog: MAKE XML, RSS, OPML, reading lists and more…

Take a look at the page, it’s just amazing.  And it highlights a serious issue with RSS, Atom, OPML, and feeds generally: a startling lack of standards.  This just one big list of stuff with a variety of icons and links, no explanation as to what any of it means.  Not very useful and not very helpful.  Try this: one feed, say RSS 2.0, let users decide where and how to subscribe to it.


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Launching learnthelaw.org

After a few months of work we’re going to launch www.learnthelaw.org as a site where pre-law students can purchase a one year subscription to the 1L CALI Lessons.  The site is live now and announcements will be going out on Monday morning.  For $50 pre-law students will have one year of access to the very same material that 1Ls across the country use to learn property, torts, contracts, legal writing and more.  We will also be adding more information about going to law school and such that is of interest to pre-law students.

For the technically inclined, Learnthelaw.org is powered by Drupal using a couple of Paypal modules and a bit of custom coding to interface with the CALI Web API. Using Drupal allowed us to develop and delpoy the site in weeks instead of the 6 months to a year we would typically spend custom building something.